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Welcome to Sarvenaz Elevation, where we empower individuals to transform their lives and achieve their highest potential.


We are proud to have been awarded the "Most Empowering Mental Health Treatment Clinic - South East England" by LUXlife Magazine, which recognizes our commitment to providing exceptional care and transformative healing to our clients.


At the heart of our clinic is Sarvenaz, a highly intuitive and compassionate therapist and energy healer who guides clients through life-changing healing and transformation. 


With a unique blend of Rapid Transformational Therapy and Kundalini Activation Process, 

Sarvenaz provides clients with the clinical help and transformative tools they need to release unwanted subconscious programming and behavior, elevate their consciousness, and achieve their goals.

As a certified Rapid Transformational Practitioner trained by Marisa Peer, Sarvenaz offers clinical support to help clients overcome a range of issues, from addictions and trauma to phobias and lack of self-esteem.

Through the powerful Kundalini Activation Process, Sarvenaz helps participants tap into their spiritual growth, development, and healing and elevates their consciousness through the transmission of non-dual states and Kundalini energy.


At Sarvenaz Elevation, we understand that everyone's journey is unique, and we offer personalized treatment plans that cater to our client's specific needs. Whether it's overcoming addiction, dealing with trauma, conquering phobias, losing weight, boosting self-esteem, or achieving a new milestone, our goal is to help clients experience a positive shift in their lives.

We take pride in providing a safe, welcoming, and non-judgmental space for our clients. Sarvenaz's warm and authentic approach makes clients feel comfortable and supported throughout their healing journey.

We believe that with the right guidance and tools, everyone can achieve their full potential and lead a fulfilling life.

Don't let your issues hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards the new you and reach out today for more information or to book an appointment. We look forward to working with you!


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